
When leveraging distant.nvim, you will be working with buffers that point to remote files and directories. It can be a little difficult to keep track of whether the buffer you are viewing is local or remote, and an easy way to distinguish is to provide some information in neovim's statusline to indicate the buffer is remote.

In the below example, we have a function statusline that will return a string that you can place within your statusline.

local ICON = '📡'

-- Returns a statusline-compatible string
local function statusline()
    -- Attempt to load the distant.nvim plugin
    local ok, plugin = pcall(require, 'distant')

    -- Check the following to see if we are in a remote buffer
    -- 1. Can the plugin be found?
    -- 2. Is the plugin initialized?
    -- 3. Does the buffer have remote data associated?
    -- If the answer to any of these questions is no, we return
    -- an empty string to avoid putting anything in our statusline
    if not ok or not plugin:is_initialized() or not plugin.buf.has_data() then
        return ''

    -- At this point, we know that we have a remote buffer,
    -- and we want to look up what server is represented,
    -- which we do by retrieving a destination table that
    -- contains a host string we can include alongside
    -- a custom emoji
    local destination = assert(plugin:client_destination(plugin.buf.client_id()))
    return ('%s %s'):format(ICON,