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Read filesystem metadata for path.


    "type": "metadata",
    "path": "...",
    "canonicalize": false,
    "resolve_file_type": false


  • path: absolute or relative path whose metadata to read.

  • canonicalize: (optional, default: false) whether or not to canonicalize the path, returning the canonical, absolute form of the path as part of the response.

  • resolve_file_type: (optional, default: false) if true, populates the returned file type with the underlying type referenced in the situation where the path points to a symlink. Otherwise, the file type will report symlink.


    "type": "metadata",
    "canonicalized_path": "...",
    "file_type": "...",
    "len": 1234,
    "readonly": false,
    "accessed": 1234,
    "created": 1234,
    "modified": 1234,
    "unix": {},
    "windows": {}


  • canonicalized_path: (optional) canonicalized path to the file or directory, resolving symlinks and relative components, only included if flagged during the request.

  • file_type: any one of dir, file, or symlink.

  • len: size of the file/directory in bytes.

  • readonly: whether or not the path is marked as unwriteable.

  • accessed: (optional) represents the last time as a Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the path was accessed; can be optional as certain systems don't support this.

  • created: (optional) represents the Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the path was created; can be optional as certain systems don't support this.

  • modified: (optional) represents the Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the path was last modified; can be optional as certain systems don't support this.

  • unix: (optional) an object comprised of additional metadata only available on Unix systems. All fields within the object are optional.

    Name Description
    owner_read true if owner can read from the file
    owner_write true if owner can write to the file
    owner_exec true if owner can execute the file
    group_read true if associated group can read from the file
    group_write true if associated group can write to the file
    group_exec true if associated group can execute the file
    other_read true if others can read from the file
    other_write true if others can write to the file
    other_exec true if others can execute the file
  • windows: (optional) an object comprised of additional metadata only available on Windows systems. All fields within the object are optional.

    Name Description
    archive represents whether or not a file or directory is an archive
    compressed represents whether or not a file or directory is compressed
    encrypted represents whether or not the file or directory is encrypted
    hidden represents whether or not a file or directory is hidden
    integrity_stream represents whether or not a directory or user data stream is configured with integrity
    normal represents whether or not a file does not have other attributes set
    not_content_indexed represents whether or not a file or directory is not to be indexed by content indexing service
    no_scrub_data represents whether or not a user data stream is not to be read by the background data integrity scanner
    offline represents whether or not the data of a file is not available immediately
    recall_on_data_access represents whether or not a file or directory is not fully present locally
    recall_on_open represents whether or not a file or directory has no physical representation on the local system (is virtual)
    reparse_point represents whether or not a file or directory has an associated reparse point, or a file is a symbolic link
    sparse_file represents whether or not a file is a sparse file
    system represents whether or not a file or directory is used partially or exclusively by the operating system
    temporary represents whether or not a file is being used for temporary storage