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Retrieves version information about the remote server.

distant version


  • --format <FORMAT>: determines how information is printed. With json specified, information will be printed in this form:

        "server_version": "0.20.0+distant-local",
        "protocol_version": "0.20.0",
        "capabilities": ["exec","fs_io","fs_perm","fs_search","fs_watch","sys_info"]

    Any error encountered will be captured and printed in this form:

    { "type": "error", "msg": "..." }


    All JSON comes in a single line format ending in a newline character.

Returned Information

Name Description Example
Server Version The version of the server 0.20.0
Protocol Version The version of the protocol (different servers can have same protocol) 0.1.0
Capabilities What features the server has implemented "search"
distant version --help
Retrieves version information of the remote server

Usage: distant version [OPTIONS]

      --cache <CACHE>
          Location to store cached data

          [default: /home/runner/.cache/distant/cache.toml]

      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level to use throughout the application

          [possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]

      --connection <CONNECTION>
          Specify a connection being managed

      --log-file <LOG_FILE>
          Path to file to use for logging

      --config <CONFIG_PATH>
          Configuration file to load instead of the default paths

      --unix-socket <UNIX_SOCKET>
          Override the path to the Unix socket used by the manager (unix-only)

      --windows-pipe <WINDOWS_PIPE>
          Override the name of the local named Windows pipe used by the manager (windows-only)

  -f, --format <FORMAT>
          [default: shell]

          Possible values:
          - json:  Sends and receives data in JSON format
          - shell: Commands are traditional shell commands and output responses are inline with what is expected of a program's output in a shell

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')