
As distant supports shells that give you full access to the remote machine, you can spawn a shell inside a neovim buffer by using the spawn_shell function:


The function accepts a variety of arguments as part of an options table:

  • bufnr: specifies the buffer to use. If -1, will create a new buffer. Default is -1.
  • winnr: specifies the window to use. Default is current window.
  • cmd: is the optional command to use instead of the server's default shell. Can be either a string or a list of strings representing the command and its arguments.
  • cwd: is the optional current working directory to set for the shell when spawning it.
  • env: is the optional map of environment variable values to supply to the shell. This is a table of key-value pairs.
  cmd = '/usr/local/python',
  env = {
    ['MYVAR'] = 'abcd',