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A version is a specialized Lua table that provides a structured view into a Semantic Version. The version table has the following fields:

  • major: major version, which will always exist.
  • minor: (optional) minor version. If nil, logically this will be treated as 0 for other methods.
  • patch: (optional) patch version. If nil, logically this will be treated as 0 for other methods.
  • prerelease: (optional) prerelease version as a list of strings. If nil, will be ignored for other methods.
  • build: (optional) build version as a list of strings. Is not used in other methods.


If you want to create a version, this can be done using the new method, which takes a table comprised of one or more of the version fields:

local version = Version:new({
    major = 1,
    minor = 2,
    patch = 3,
    prerelease = { 'alpha', '4' },
    build = { '2023', '07', '24' },
assert(version:as_string(), '1.2.3-alpha.4+2023.07.24')


Outside of creating a version manually, you can also parse a string into a version using either parse or try_parse. Both perform the same work, but parse will throw an error if the string does not follow semantic versioning whereas try_parse will return nil in the case that parsing fails.

Both functions have a signature that takes two arguments: a string and an optional table of options. For the options table, you can provide strict = true to force the version to have a major, minor, and patch component, otherwise values like 1 will translate to 1.0.0, etc.

-- Parses full version, populating all relevant fields
local version = Version:parse('1.2.3-alpha.4+2023.07.24')

-- Throws error because not a version

-- Throws error because not a complete version
Version:parse('1', { strict = true })


In a situation where you have a version and want to increment it, you can use the inc(level) method. This increments this version by the specified level, returning a new copy as a result.

The level supplied can be one of the following strings: major, minor, or patch. In the event that you do not supply a level, patch will be used.

In the case where minor or patch are not set in the version, they will be set to 0 prior to incrementing.

-- Increment the patch version, going from 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
local version = Version:new({ major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }):inc()
assert(version:as_string() == '1.2.4')

-- Increment the minor version, going from 1 -> 1.1.0
local version = Version:new({ major = 1 }):inc('minor')
assert(version:as_string() == '1.1.0')

-- Increment the major version, going from 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0
local version = Version:new({ major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 }):inc('major')
assert(version:as_string() == '2.0.0')

Comparing & compatibility

A common practice when working with versions it to compare them. To that end, you can use the cmp(other) or compatible(version) methods. In addition, the version table implements the metatable functions for __le, __lt, __eq, __gt, and __ge utilizing the cmp function for order and equality.

For cmp, the version is compared with other following semver 2.0.0 specification:

  • Returns -1 if lower precedence than other version.
  • Returns 0 if equal precedence to other version.
  • Returns 1 if higher precedence than other version.
  • Missing minor and patch versions are treated as 0.
-- a < b, therefore returns -1
local a = Version:parse('1.2.3')
local b = Version:parse('1.3.0')
assert(a:cmp(b) == -1)

For compatible, this follows both Semantic Version 2.0.0 and Cargo rulesets to see if this version is binary-compatible with the supplied version, which can be a string or version instance itself:

local version = Version:parse('1.2.3')

-- This is true as 1.2.3 is >= 1.2.0 and < 2.0.0

Given an input version below, the following range is allowed:

1.2.3  :=  >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
1.2    :=  >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
1      :=  >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
0.2.3  :=  >=0.2.3, <0.3.0
0.2    :=  >=0.2.0, <0.3.0
0.0.3  :=  >=0.0.3, <0.0.4
0.0    :=  >=0.0.0, <0.1.0
0      :=  >=0.0.0, <1.0.0

Converting to string

Converting a version table back into a string is simple and can be done by calling the as_string method or leveraging the metatable method __tostring:

local version = Version:new({ major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 3 })
assert(version:as_string(), '1.2.3')
assert(tostring(version), '1.2.3')


As the prerelease is optional in a semantic version, you can check if it exists by calling has_prerelease, and access the prerelease as a singular string joined by periods by calling prerelease_string.

local version = Version:parse('1.2.3-alpha.4')
assert(version:prerelease_string() == 'alpha.4')


As the build is optional in a semantic version, you can check if it exists by calling has_build, and access the build as a singular string joined by periods by calling build_string.

local version = Version:parse('1.2.3+2023.07.24')
assert(version:build_string() == '2023.07.24')