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Set permissions

Sets permissions for the specified path on the remote machine.

distant fs set-permissions readonly /path/to/file.txt


  • --recursive: indicates that permissions should be applied to all paths contained within the specified when it is a directory, meaning that the children, their children, etc. will all have the permissions applied.
  • --follow-symbolic-links: indicates that symbolic links will be traversed when setting permissions, which means applying the permissions to the underlying file or directory, not the symlink itself. In the case of Windows, the permissions are always set on the underlying file or directory.


Using readonly/notreadonly

When working with Windows, it may be easier to consider read-only status of a file or directory as Unix permissions don't apply. While Unix permissions altering the read-only status will still take effect, you can instead use the keyword readonly or notreadonly to explicitly target that attribute.

In the case of Unix, this will set or clear the read-only permission across owner, group, and others!

# Disable writing
distant fs set-permissions readonly /path/to/file.txt

# Enable writing
distant fs set-permissions notreadonly /path/to/file.txt

Using absolute mode

Similar to chmod, you can provide an explicit octal value to indicate the read, write, and execute permissions:

distant fs set-permissions 755 /path/to/file.txt

Using symbolic mode

Also similar to chmod, you can provide a series of permission symbols to represent what you want to apply such as go-w to deny write permission to group and others:

distant fs set-permissions 'go-w' /path/to/file.txt


This is broken on version 0.20.0 (#221)! Using this approach will apply only the specified symbolic permissions and clear any pre-existing permissions! In the above example, this will result in a file with permissions of 000 instead of just removing the group & other write permission.


  • Relative paths resolve to the current working directory of the server.
distant fs set-permissions --help
Sets permissions for the specified path on the remote machine

Usage: distant fs set-permissions [OPTIONS] <MODE> <PATH>

  <MODE>  Mode string following `chmod` format (or set readonly flag if `readonly` or `notreadonly` is specified)
  <PATH>  The path to the file, directory, or symlink on the remote machine

      --cache <CACHE>                Location to store cached data [default: /home/runner/.cache/distant/cache.toml]
      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>        Log level to use throughout the application [possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]
      --connection <CONNECTION>      Specify a connection being managed
      --log-file <LOG_FILE>          Path to file to use for logging
      --config <CONFIG_PATH>         Configuration file to load instead of the default paths
      --unix-socket <UNIX_SOCKET>    Override the path to the Unix socket used by the manager (unix-only)
      --windows-pipe <WINDOWS_PIPE>  Override the name of the local named Windows pipe used by the manager (windows-only)
  -R, --recursive                    Recursively set permissions of files/directories/symlinks
  -L, --follow-symlinks              Follow symlinks, which means that they will be unaffected
  -h, --help                         Print help