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All settings found under the servers key.

local plugin = require('distant')
    servers = {}

This represents a collection of settings for servers defined by their hostname.

A key of * is special in that it is considered the default for all servers and will be applied first with any host-specific settings overwriting the default.

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            -- Put something in here to override defaults for all servers

        [''] = {
            -- Change the current working directory and specify
            -- a path to the distant binary on the remote machine
            cwd = '/path/to/my/dir',
            launch = {
                bin = '/path/to/distant'


Scheme to use in place of letting distant infer an appropriate scheme. Use this option when you want to switch the default across all servers via * or if you want to connect in a specific way to some explicit server.

String representing the scheme (e.g. ssh). [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            connect = {
                default = {
                    scheme = 'ssh'


Port to use when connecting.

Integer representing the port. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            connect = {
                default = {
                    port = 8080


Username to use when connecting.

String representing the username. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            connect = {
                default = {
                    username = 'my-username'


Options to pass along to distant when connecting. See the CLI documentation for connecting for more details on available options.

String representing a comma-separated list of options. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            connect = {
                default = {
                    options = 'key=1234,ssh.backend=libssh'



This is not yet implemented, but is a placeholder for this feature!

If specified, will apply the current working directory to any cases of spawning processes, opening directories & files, starting shells, and wrapping commands.

Will be overwritten if an explicit cwd or absolute path is provided in those situations.

String representing the path. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            cwd = '/path/to/dir'


Scheme to use in place of letting distant infer an appropriate scheme. Use this option when you want to switch the default across all servers via * or if you want to launch in a specific way to some explicit server.

String representing the scheme (e.g. ssh). [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            launch = {
                default = {
                    scheme = 'ssh'


Port to use when launching.

Integer representing the port. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            launch = {
                default = {
                    port = 8080


Username to use when launching.

String representing the username. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            launch = {
                default = {
                    username = 'my-username'


Path to distant binary on remote machine. This is particularly useful to refer to distant when it is not on your path or launching is unable to find the distant binary.

String representing the path to the binary. [default: distant]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            launch = {
                default = {
                    bin = '/path/to/distant'


Additional arguments to pass to the server when starting it on the remote machine. This is useful when you want to specify configurations like shutting down after N seconds, specifying a custom port to listen on, or providing a custom logging path.

Run distant server listen --help to see available arguments.

String representing the arguments. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            launch = {
                default = {
                    args = '--port 8080 --shutdown after=3600 --log-level trace'


Options to pass along to distant when launching. See the CLI documentation for launching for more details on available options.

String representing a comma-separated list of options. [default: ]

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            launch = {
                default = {
                    options = 'key=1234,ssh.backend=libssh'

Language Servers

Language servers can be configured with distant by using the lsp key, which is a mapping of a label (this can be anything) to language server settings.

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            lsp = {
                ['My Project'] = {
                    cmd = '/path/to/lsp-server',
                    root_dir = '/path/to/project',
                    file_types = {'rust'},
                    on_exit = function(code, signal, client_id)
                        local prefix = '[Client ' .. tostring(client_id) .. ']'
                        print(prefix .. ' LSP exited with code ' .. tostring(code))

                        -- Signal can be nil
                        if signal ~= nil then
                            print(prefix .. ' Signal ' .. tostring(signal))


Sets the command to be invoked as the language server. This command is run on the remote machine, not the local machine. This is a required field for each defined language server.

String or list of strings representing the command to execute.

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            lsp = {
                ['My Project'] = {
                    cmd = '/path/to/lsp --arg'


Root directory where the language server will operate. This should typically match the root directory of a project. This is a required field for each defined language server.

String, list of strings, or a function.

In the case of a string or list of strings, each is treated as a root path, and any file opened will be checked to see if it is contained within the path. If so, a client is established with the associated language server.

If a function, it will be invoked with the file path and buffer number whenever a file is opened. The function returns a path to the file to be connected to a language server (if relevant), or nil if not applicable.

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            lsp = {
                ['My Project'] = {
                    root_dir = function(path, _bufnr)
                        -- Only allow if within a specific directory
                        if vim.startswith(path, '/my/project/dir') then
                            return path


Optional list of file types to specifically target with this language server. If not provided, will apply to all file types.

List of strings, each representing a file type.

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            lsp = {
                ['My Project'] = {
                    file_types = {'rust'}


Optional function to be triggered when a language server on the remote machine exits.

Function taking an exit code, signal (can be nil), and client id as arguments.

    servers = {
        ['*'] = {
            lsp = {
                ['My Project'] = {
                    on_exit = function(code, signal, client_id)
                        local prefix = '[Client ' .. tostring(client_id) .. ']'
                        print(prefix .. ' LSP exited with code ' .. tostring(code))

                        -- Signal can be nil
                        if signal ~= nil then
                            print(prefix .. ' Signal ' .. tostring(signal))