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The distant CLI provides a variety of commands that cover client interactions, server usage, manager operations and servers, and generating files.


All commands support these flags:

  • --config <FILE>: alternative path to a config file to use. Default varies by operating system. See the config section for more details.
  • --log-file <FILE>: path to the file where events should be logged. By default, no file is created.
  • --log-level <LEVEL>: the level at which to log events. Supports off, error, warn, info, debug, and trace. By default, this is info.

Most commands support these flags:

  • --cache <FILE>: alternative location for a cache file where distant stores information like the currently-selected connection.
  • --connection <ID>: the id of the connection to communicate with from the active distant manager. This enables communicating with a specific connection regardless of the cached, selected connection.
  • --unix-socket <FILE>: alternative path to the Unix domain socket to use for communication with the distant manager. This flag is used both to specify the socket when starting a manager and pointing to the socket when connecting to a manager for many commands. (Unix only)
  • --windows-pipe <FILE>: alternative pipe name for the named Windows pipe to use for communication with the distant manager. This flag is used both to specify the socket when starting a manager and pointing to the socket when connecting to a manager for many commands. (Windows only)
distant --help
Operate on a remote computer through file and process manipulation

Usage: distant [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  api          Listen over stdin & stdout to communicate with a distant server using the JSON lines API
  connect      Requests that active manager connects to the server at the specified destination
  fs           Subcommands for file system operations
  launch       Launches the server-portion of the binary on a remote machine
  shell        Specialized treatment of running a remote shell process
  spawn        Spawn a process on the remote machine
  system-info  Represents common networking configuration
  version      Retrieves version information of the remote server
  manager      Perform manager commands
  server       Perform server commands
  generate     Perform generation commands
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>  Log level to use throughout the application [possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]
      --log-file <LOG_FILE>    Path to file to use for logging
      --config <CONFIG_PATH>   Configuration file to load instead of the default paths
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version