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List information about all connections.

distant manager list


  • --format <FORMAT>: determines how information is printed. With json specified, information will be printed in this form:

    { "<ID>": "<DESTINATION>" }

    where <ID> is the connection's numeric id, but used as a string key in json and <DESTINATION> is the destination string used to launch/connect to the server.

    Any error encountered will be captured and printed in this form:

    { "type": "error", "msg": "..." }


    All JSON comes in a single line format ending in a newline character.

Returned Information

For each connection, its id and destination are printed:

Name Description Example
id The numeric id of the connection 1234
destination The destination string used to connect to the server distant://
distant manager list --help
List information about all connections

Usage: distant manager list [OPTIONS]

  -f, --format <FORMAT>
          [default: shell]

          Possible values:
          - json:  Sends and receives data in JSON format
          - shell: Commands are traditional shell commands and output responses are inline with what is expected of a program's output in a shell

      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level to use throughout the application

          [possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]

      --log-file <LOG_FILE>
          Path to file to use for logging

      --unix-socket <UNIX_SOCKET>
          Override the path to the Unix socket used by the manager (unix-only)

      --config <CONFIG_PATH>
          Configuration file to load instead of the default paths

      --windows-pipe <WINDOWS_PIPE>
          Override the name of the local named Windows pipe used by the manager (windows-only)

      --cache <CACHE>
          Location to store cached data

          [default: /home/runner/.cache/distant/cache.toml]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')